Journal for Theoretical & Marginal Mathematics Education

ISSN 2996-1645

A Peer-Reviewed Publication of CPPI-ME

The Journal for Theoretical & Marginal Mathematics Education (JTM-ME or "JTM") is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by The Critical Philosophical & Psychoanalytic Institute for Mathematics Education (CPPI-ME), and is offered Open Access here on the Institute's website, with an eventual goal of being indexed with the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) by the year 2025. The aim of the Journal is to publish papers of interest to the mathematics education and STEM education fields more broadly that focus on critical, philosophical, psychoanalytic, experimental, theoretical, or post-qualitative research. Authors are especially encouraged to "push the boundaries" of mathematics education when writing, in terms of theory, methods, conception, and presentation. One of the Journal's key motivations is to provide a space for "marginal" scholarship in the mathematics education and STEM education fields, i.e., scholarship which is considered to be "on the margins" of the field. Thus, papers suitable for publication in the Journal should be provocative and innovative, and will often employ perspectives not typically seen in the mathematics or STEM education literature. Cross-disciplinary approaches to theory and methods are also encouraged. Researchers, graduate students, and practitioners are encouraged to submit papers fitting this description that support the journal's aims. 

Initially, the Journal will aim to publish one volume/issue per year, but will reassess this decision based on the number of submissions received over the first two years of publication. If the interest exists and more, quality, acceptable submissions are being received, then the Journal will aim to expand into more frequent issue releases (e.g., one volume / two issues per year).

Additionally, the Journal aims to publish papers in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and we are building a group of reviewers who are able to speak those languages. For manuscripts written in Spanish or Portuguese, and pending peer review by a referee, the article will be published in Spanish or Portuguese alone, along with a translated English abstract. We are happy to provide the translation at no charge, or the author may supply it with the manuscript. However, in order to reject the standard academic norm of English-centric publications, the entire paper will not be translated into English. 

DOIs and Document Identifiers

As part of the production process, the Journal issues both DOIs and permalinks for each published article, included with the Online First (advance online publication) service. 

Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis and will be subjected to peer review. Manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) following peer review with the decision to either Accept, Reject, or Revise and Resubmit. Multiple rounds of peer review are possible, depending on the particular manuscript. Desk Rejects will be made for articles not supporting the Institute's and/or the Journal's goals. Please submit manuscripts as a Word (.docx) file, double-spaced, and following APA 7th Style, by email to the Journal's Editorial Office at The journal calls for manuscripts of the following types and lengths (word limits are for the raw text of the paper, and do not include footnotes, references, figures, or tables; however, word limits can be exceeded in order to maintain the integrity of the paper and its message, when needed):

Please contact the editorial office at with any questions you might have.

Guidelines for Reviewers

Click here to download the JTM-ME Guidelines for Reviewers

(Date last updated is indicated at the top of the document.)


Alexander S. Moore, Westfield State University (USA)

Associate Editors

Christopher H. Dubbs, East Stroudsburg University (USA)

David M. Bowers, University of Tennessee–Knoxville (USA)

Editorial Board

Robert C. Bonfiglio, University of Rochester (USA)

Ahsan Habib Chowdhury, George Mason University (USA)

Felipe Augusto de Mesquita Comelli, Santos Dept. of Education (Brazil)

Juan M. Gerardo, University of Cincinnati (USA)

Jennifer Hall, Monash University (Australia)

Merve N. Kursav, Dartmouth College (USA)

Brian R. Lawler, Kennesaw State University (USA)

Miriam Makramalla, NewGiza University (Egypt)

Melissa Andrade-Molina, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (Chile)

Emmanuel Nti-Asante, Florida International University (USA)

Dale L. Parris, Virginia Western Community College (USA)

Theodore M. Savich, Indiana University (USA)

James Sheldon, University of Arizona; Pima Community College (USA)

Peer Review Process

JTM-ME gives authors the choice of either a masked review or an open review, where the author and reviewer may freely engage with each other to improve the manuscript. In either case, the Journal performs a rigorous peer review process on all published articles. 

Masked Review: If the masked review process is selected by the authors, manuscript submissions are blinded by the author or by the editorial office, and the reviewers’ comments and edits are also masked when returned to the editorial office. This double blinding is to ensure as much of an objective process as is possible, while aligning highly skilled and relevant reviewers to each specific manuscript. This occurs in the following steps: (1) The manuscript is submitted to the Journal via email; (2) The Editor assesses the manuscript for support and "fit" of the Journal's aims and goals; (3) If the Editor decides that the article does not support the Journal's aims and goals, then a Desk Reject is imposed and the submission is returned to the author(s) along with a detailed explanation; (4) If the Editor decides that the manuscript does or has potential to support the journal's aims and goals, then it will be sent out to referees (peer reviewers) who have been specially selected based on the topic/scope of the manuscript; (5) The referees will review the manuscript and impose a decision of either Accept, Reject, or Revise and Resubmit; (6) The referees will return the manuscript to the Editor with their decision along with their detailed review of the manuscript; (7) The Editor will consider the referees' reviews and decisions in making a final decision of either Accept, Reject, or Revise and Resubmit on the manuscript; (8) The Editor will then return the manuscript with the final decision to the author(s) along with the referees' reviews and decisions. This process may continue for a couple of rounds before the Editor and referees all decide that the article is Acceptable in its final form. In cases where a Desk Reject is being considered, the Editor will consult with at least one other referee to confirm that the submission should be Desk Rejected.

Open Review: If the open review process is selected by the authors, the names of the reviewers are known to the authors at all stages of the peer review and reviewers’ names are published with the article. Open review is a radically humanizing approach and potentially more educative than a masked review; additionally, it is easier for reviewers to document their contributions. This communication between authors and reviewer could even be extended to an innovative format: the reviewer and author could meet, or the reviewer could record a 5-minute review video to be sent to the editor and authors. If open review is selected, the authors and reviewers agree to regularly update the editor as to the progress of the review process and if additional support is needed from the editorial office. Additionally, a short Afterword is published with the manuscript, co-written by the author and reviewer, describing the process of the open review and how they worked together to bring the manuscript to publication. This is sometimes seen in some genres of textbook where, at the end of a chapter, there is a "Dialogue Between Authors" section. 

Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism

JTM-ME uses similarity-checking software (e.g., i-Thenticate) to check manuscripts for plagiarism when they first arrive at their initial submission to the Journal. As academic scholars, we all recycle our own ideas over our professional lives, gradually building and expanding them between publications. Manuscripts that use an author's previously published material are allowed, given that they are noted as such at the beginning of the manuscript and that appropriate licensing permissions are granted from the original publisher to JTM-ME. It is the author's sole responsibility for arranging for the re-print permissions to be granted by the original publisher. For example, a footnote at the bottom of the first page may read: "This article draws on material originally published as Lastname, F. M. (2013). Title of the original article. Original Journal, V(ii), p–pp. Reprinted with the gracious permission of The Original Society or Publisher." Please contact the Editor with questions.

Contact the Journal

Manuscript Submissions and Editorial Office:

Current Editor-in-Chief (Alexander S. Moore):

Fees for Publishing in the Journal

There are absolutely no fees for submitting to or publishing in JTM-ME. There are absolutely no editorial or article processing charges for publishing in JTM-ME. 

Copyright and Licensing Terms

All materials published by JTM-ME remain the copyright of the named authors, or of the editor if unattributed. Permission is granted by the Journal to freely copy the journal contents on a not-for-profit basis, provided the author(s) and the journal are given full credit and cited appropriately (for example, using APA citations). All material published by JTM-ME is licensed for immediate free Open Access use and includes no embargo period.

Self-Archiving Policy: Authors may self-archive final, published versions of their articles, or may link directly to the Journal's dedicated permalink for the article.

The Journal for Theoretical and Marginal Mathematics Education (JTM-ME) is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Country of Operation

The Journal's primary country of operation is the United States of America, although it consists of an international audience and a dedicated, international team of academics, editors, and referees.