
Publications by Our Members

(sorted in reverse chronology)

Updates should be emailed to the Director.

Publications by our members that have appeared or will appear in JTM ME are not included here.

Scheiner, T., & Bowers, D. M. (2023). Problematizing the metaphors of unpacking, deconstructing and decompressing mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics, 43(1), 9-13.

(Re)constructing the Heart of Mathematics Education: Ethics as First Philosophy in Research and Praxis

Bowers, D. M., Kursav, M. N., Nti-Asante, E., Westby, K. R. (in press). (Re)constructing the heart of mathematics education: Ethics as first philosophy in research and praxis. In P. Ernest (Ed.), Ethics and mathematics education: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Springer.

The Pathology of Mathematics Education

Moore, A. S. (in press). The pathology of mathematics education. In P. Ernest (Ed.), Ethics and mathematics education: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Springer.

Abreu, S., Alibek, A., Bowers, D. M., Drimalla, J., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Moore, A. S., & Peralta, L. M. (2022). Myths of objectivity in mathematics education. In A. E. Lischka, E. B. Dyer, R. S. Jones, J. N. Lovett, J. Strayer, & S. Drown. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of Psychology of Mathematics Education – North America (pp. 2155 – 2157). Middle Tennessee State University.

Comelli, F. A. M., da Costa, M., & dos Santos Tavares, E. (2021). “I don’t know if I can handle it all”: Students’ affect during remote education in the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 22(4), 53-71.

Ramos, W. R., Comelli, F. A. M., & Manrique, A. L. (2021). Meanings of interdisciplinarity attributed by mathematics teachers’ educators and teachers of the Municipal Schools of São Paulo. Acta Scientiae, 23(8). 

Batista, L. O.; Tavares, E. S.; Oliveira, B.S.; Costa, M. & Comelli, F. A. M. (2021). Paulo Freire: tecnologia, educação e humanização [Paulo Freire: technology, education and humanization]. In A. R. V. Schmitt & L. M. D. Pacheco (Eds.), Tempos de diversidade e ressignificação da educação (pp. 63-81). Pimenta Cultural.

Dubbs, C. H. (2021). Urban mathematics education research: Using citation cartography to map bubbles and foams in mathematics education research. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 14(2), 16–41 .

Abtahi, Y. (2021). What if I was harmful?: Reflecting on the ethical tensions associated with teaching the dominant mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics. Advance online publication. 

Hall, J., & Noren, E. (Eds). (2021). Special Issue: Innovations in "gender issues" research in mathematics education. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33(4).

Moore, A. S., & Johnson, E. (2021). Borders, gender, and performative contradictions in active learning. Proceedings of the 11th Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Klagenfurt, Austria: University of Klagenfurt.

Bowers, D. M., & Lawler, B. R. (2021). Anarchism as a methodological foundation in mathematics education: A portrait of resistance. Proceedings of the 11th Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Klagenfurt, Austria: University of Klagenfurt.

Waid, B. E. (2021). The condo problem: Musings of a queer mathematics educator. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(5).

Dubbs, C., & Herbel-Eisenmann, B. (2021). “Shh”:  Shifting discourse patterns and techniques of surveillance in middle-school mathematics classrooms. ZDM Mathematics Education. Advance online publication.

Dubbs, C. (2021). Mathematics education atlas: Mapping the field of mathematics education research. Crave Press.

Savich, T. M., Taylor, E. M., & Willey, C. J. (2021). A critical examination of mathematics curriculum studies. In W. H. Schubert & M. Fang (Eds.), Oxford research encyclopedia of education. Oxford University Press.

Waid, B. E., & Turner, K. H. (2021). Inqu[ee]ry across the curriculum. English Journal, 110(3), 82–88.

Dubbs, C. (2020). Learner, Student, Mathematician: What researchers call the subjects of mathematics education. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 36.

Waid, B. E. (2020). Supporting LGBTQ+ students in K-12 mathematics. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 113(11), 874–884.

Dubbs, C. (2020). Whose ethics? Towards clarifying ethics in mathematics education research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(3), 521–540.

Bonfiglio, R. C. (2020). Ethics in mathematics classroom discussions. In J. E. Bleasdale & J. A. Sullivan (Eds.), Social conscience and responsibility: Teaching the common good in secondary education (pp. 107–119). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Comelli, F. A. M., & Silva, A. C. R. (2020). Professores de matemática e física, e suas crenças sobre educação inclusiva. [Math and physics teachers and their beliefs about inclusive education]. Ágor@-Revista Acadêmica de Formação de Professores, 4(6).

Ramos, W. R., Comelli, F. A. M., & Manrique, A. L. (2020). A interface entre políticas públicas e educação matemática: o que nos revela o levantamento sobre as pesquisas na área. [The interface between public policies and mathematical education: what reveals the review of research in the area]. In XIV Encontro Paulista de Educação Matemática (pp. 991-998). SBEM.

Savich, T. M. (2020). Towards a critical mathematics. Mathematics Teaching–Research Journal Online, 12(2), 245–291. 

Bowers, D. M. & Lawler, B. (2020). Reconciling tensions in equity discourse through an anti-hierarchical (anarchist) theory of action. Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Mexico. 

Moore, A. S. (2020). Queer identity and theory intersections in mathematics education. Mathematics Education Research Journal. Advance online publication.

Sheldon, J. (2019). Towards a queer curriculum of infinity. In W. Letts & S. Fifield (Eds.), STEM of desire: Queer theories and science education (pp. 307–318). Brill. 

Tan, P., Padilla, A., Mason, E., & Sheldon, J. (2019). Humanizing disability in mathematics education: Forging new paths. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Bowers, D. M. (2019). Rhetoricocentrism and methodocentrism: Reflecting on the momentum of violence in (mathematics education) research. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics Education (pp. 261-265). St. Louis, MO. 

Comelli, F. A. M., Ramos, W. R., & Manrique, A. L. (2019). Atitudes em matemática: o que a academia tem produzido de conhecimento? [Attitudes in Mathematics: What has academy produced of knowledge?]. In XIII Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática—ENEMAt: Cuiabá - MT.

Bowers, D. M. (2019). Critical analysis of whiteness in a mathematics education proseminar syllabus. In J. Subramanian (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th international Mathematics Education and Society conference (pp. 284-293). Hyderabad, India.  

*Note: Positionality statement out-of-date. Author now openly identifies as nonbinary

Savich, T. M., Jacobson, E., Bharaj, P., & Eker, A. (2019). Modeling researcher discourse with analytic pragmatism. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. St. Louis, MO.

Comelli, F. A. M. & Manrique, A. L. (2019). About affect and meta-affect in mathematics education: An interview with Gerald A. Goldin. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, 21, 566–578.

—. (2019). Sobre afeto e meta-afeto na educação matemática: uma entrevista com Gerald A. Goldin. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, 21, 579–592.

Bowers, D. M. & Küchle, V. A. B. (2019). Mathematical proof and genre theory. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 42, 48-55. 

*Note: One of the goals of this paper was to share critical perspectives with an unfamiliar audience (mathematicians) and work towards normalizing such perspectives within that community.

Bowers, D. M. (2018). Opening space for change and empowerment through philosophical and structural contemplation in teacher professional development. In T. E. Hodges, G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics Education (pp. 286-293). Greenville, SC. 

Comelli, F. A. M., & Silva, A. C. R. (2017). Considerações a respeito de crenças de professores sobre educação inclusiva em uma instituição de educação básica de Santos-SP (Brasil). [Considerations about Teachers' Beliefs on Inclusive Education in an Elementary Educational Institution of Santos-SP (Brazil)]. In Encuentro Internacional por la Unidad de los Educadores: Pedagogía 2017 (pp. 280–288). Sello Editor Educación Cubana.

Sheldon, J. (2017). The pedagogy of the student: Reclaiming agency in receptive subject-positions. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 32(1), 91–103.

Comelli, F. A. M. (2016). Da ignorância às fontes do conhecimento: um intruso entre Popper e o conceito de limite. [From ignorance to the source of knowledge: a intrude between Popper and the limit concept]. Práticas Pedagógicas: Registros e Reflexões, 4, 1–19.

Dubbs, C. (2016). A queer turn in mathematics education research: Centering the experience of marginalized queer students. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. The University of Arizona.

Sheldon, J. (2014). Transforming from the bottom up: A book review of mathematics for equity: A framework for successful practice. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 7(2).

Manuscripts in Preparation by Our Members

(sorted in forward chronology)

A Mathematical Inqu[ee]ry of the Pay Gap

Waid, B. E. (under review). A mathematical inqu[ee]ry of the pay gap. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College.

Interdisciplinary meanings attributed by mathematics teachers

Ramos, W. R., Comelli, F. A. M., & Manrique, A. L. (in process). Interdisciplinary meanings attributed by mathematics teachers and trainers in the public school system of São Paulo. Special Issue on Mathematics Education, Curricula of Acta Scientiae (ISSN 2178-7727 – A1 journal).

A Literature Review of Mathematical Affect and Attitude

Comelli, F. A. M. (in process). The Brazilian research on mathematics-related affect: an integrative literature review of attitude. Invited paper for Educação Matemática Pesquisa (ISSN 1983-3156 – A2 journal).

Methodocentrism and Method in Mathematics Education Research: The Reproduction of Positivism In Absentia

Bowers, D. M. (2022, forthcoming). Methodocentrism and method in mathematics education research: The reproduction of positivism in absentia. Manuscript in preparation.

Rhetorical Stasis: The Failings of "Where's the Math?" and "Both/And"

Bowers, D. M. (2022, forthcoming). The failings of "where's the math?" and "both/and". Manuscript in preparation.

The Case for Queer and Trans Pedagogy in Mathematics Teacher Education

Waid, B. E., & Suárez, M.I. (in preparation). “The case for queer and trans pedagogy in mathematics teacher education.” Book Chapter in AMTE's Professional Book Series Reflection on Past, Present and Future.

Queer Money Matters: 7th and 8th Graders Conduct an Intersectional Analysis of the Pay Gap and Its Implications for LGBTQ+ Families

Waid, B. E., & Champagne, Z. (in preparation). Queer money matters: 7th and 8th graders conduct an intersectional analysis of the pay gap and its implications for LGBTQ+ families. Target Journal: Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12.

At the Intersections: Reflecting on One Mathematics Teacher’s Queer, Latinx, and Mathematical Identities

Waid, B. E. (in preparation). At the intersections: Reflecting on one mathematics teacher’s queer, Latinx, and mathematical identities. Target Journal: Journal of LGBT Youth.